Special Populations II - Developmental, Medical/Physical Disabilities, Refuge Youth

Click on a heading/video below for more information:

  1. Developmental Check list http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/actearly/pdf/checklists/all_checklists.pdf
  2. The Center for Disease Control (www.cdc.gov) has produced Fact Sheets and other helpful information on a variety of disabilities: http://www.cdc.gov/DataStatistics/
  3. Preparing foster adolescents for Independent Living: A COMPARISON OF DISABLED AND NON-DISABLED YOUTH
  4. A Case for Action for Children and Youth with Disabilities in Foster Care 
  5. Transition Youth with Serious Mental Illness.
  6. Education and Immigrant Girls: Building Bridges between Cultures 
  7. From We to Me : A Curriculum on Working with Transitioning Youth from the Perspective of Culture. 
  8. Growing up in a New Country: A Positive Youth Development Toolkit for Working with Refugees and Immigrants.
  9. Mentoring Immigrant and Refugee Youth: A Toolkit for Program Coordinators.
  10. New Directions in Mentoring Refugee Youth 

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